Scale Ireland Supporting Start-ups in Ireland

Scale Ireland is a member of the Alliance for an Innovation-Driven Recovery. The Alliance is a coalition of five national organisations, which comprises Scale Ireland, HBAN, IVCA, Euronext and TechIreland, all of whom have a shared interest in the growth of the indigenous tech start-up sector in Ireland.

Our organisations understand the importance and the role of having the right type of finance available for companies at the early-stage of their journey, in order to ensure that they can fund their business strategy.

Our Latest Submissions

View our latest submissions presented to key stakeholders on behalf of the Irish tech sector.

Members of the Alliance

Independent not-for-profit that represents, advocates and promotes on behalf of indigenous tech start-up and scale-up companies.

Ireland's largest network of business angels and syndicates with over 15 angel groups across Ireland and abroad.

Representative body for venture capital private equity firms on the island of Ireland.

Leading pan-European exchange, covering Belgium, France, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the UK.

Independent not-for-profit on a mission to promote Irish and Ireland based innovation to the world through data, content and community activities.